10/11/2022 - Suspense, tension and secrets from the past are probed in Iceland by a dangerous Polish woman on parole, in the last movie by the late Árni Ólafur Ásgeirsson
09/11/2022 - Set for the showcase are projects by Teona Strugar Mitevska, Petr Vaclav, Michal Blasko, Milos Pusic, Ivan Bakrac, Peter Monsaert, Emmanuel Parvu, and the duo Alexandru Baciu and Maria Popistasu
Le cinéma de la Plage de Hauteville-sur-Mer propose toujours plus d'événements. Après un Ciné Voile, vendredi 4 novembre, il invite à l'Arras Festival Off dans les prochaines semaines avec 3 films en avant-première.
08/11/2022 - Mounia Meddour drills down into the feminist resistance vein running through Papicha, further stylising the theme and offering another wonderful role to Lyna Khoudri
08/11/2022 - Montenegro’s Ivan Bakrač reveals subtle but very real promise in his first feature film about five childhood friends on the verge of adulthood