the purpose of walking out of a football game, because football players kneeling to the national anthem is wrong to mike pence s sense of right and wrong. writing, pence, called arpaio another favorite. professed himself honored by arpaio s presence and praised him as a tireless champion of the rule of law. george will noted that that arizona speech by mike pence, quote, occurred eight miles from the home of senator john mccain, who could teach pence or p p perhaps not something about
writing, pence, called arpaio another favorite. professed himself honored by arpaio s presence and praised him as a tireless champion of the rule of law. george will noted that that arizona speech by mike pence, quote, occurred eight miles from the home of senator john mccain, who could teach pence or perhaps not something about honor. in his column, he quoted a speech delivered by abraham lincoln. lincoln said, there was a mobocratic spirit among the vicious portion of the population.