Rajasthan High Court has recently issued notice to police officials including the Director General of Police in a contempt petition alleging a violation of Arnesh Kumar guidelines and Apex court’s.
It is almost a decade since the Supreme Court passed a slew of guidelines in Arnesh Kumar v. State of Bihar, 2014 for curbing unnecessary arrests at the hands of police officers. However, till .
The Madhya Pradesh High Court on Wednesday issued a circular for all the Sessions and criminal courts in the state directing them to strictly follow the guidelines issued by the Supreme Court in the.
The Patna High Court recently issued a circular for all the courts under its territorial jurisdiction of this Court directing them to follow the guidelines issued by the Supreme Court in the 2014.
The Supreme Court has ordered the issue of notifications and instructions to ensure that police authorities and criminal courts strictly adhere to the guidelines on arrest laid down in the 2014 Arnesh Kumar case.