The impact, hey, theyre back there calling the shots. Would that have a demoralizing impact on the unit . If you were still with that unit . Oh, no. American forces are going to do whatever they can every single day to do what theyre supposed to do. I dont think theyre really worried about anybody else. Okay. Mr. Walsh, in terms of permanent impact on policy, have we set a precedence by doing this in regards to all the other terrorists groups 1234. I believe we have, congressman. I believe weve set a dangerous precedent and id encourage this body to look at future efforts towards release and calls to close guantanamo. We had these gentleman detained. Men and women gave their lives to detain them. And now, unfortunately, i believe, men and women will give their lives to capture or kill them once again. Thank you. And i want to thank the panel. I yield back. The chair recognizes the gentleman from california, mr. Vargas, for five minutes. Mr. Chairman, thank you, again. Thank you for hol