Walk into the headquarters of any operational Army unit on any Army base in the United States, and you'll eventually bump into something claiming to perform a groundbreaking effort of “innovation.” The members of the Innovation Task Force, the innovation cell/hub/bureau, will eagerly show you how they are "implementing new ideas," "applying disruptive tech," and "focusing on new capabilities for the warfighter." You may even run into the Innovation Officer, who will happily describe how innovation efforts tie with commanders at all echelons. These folks will earnestly tell you that all this innovation is "creating a culture of innovation."
Walk into the headquarters of any operational Army unit on any Army base in the United States, and you'll eventually bump into something claiming to perform a groundbreaking effort of "innovation."
The Army next year will reinstate a policy suspended during the coronavirus pandemic that most soldiers complete required school training before they can be promoted, the service announced.