Complicated the relationship between the newcomers, indians and how they created what hyde called blended families. The kansas city hub library event. This hourlong so my plan is to talk about wrote this book and how i went about doing it. Then im going tell you three three families to kind of illustrate my larger point and that will be the long part with the pretty pictures. Then i will talk about what im and why i think all of this matters. Ive been an historian of the American West my whole life. I was born in st. Louis. Reno, nevada and i tv hooked in fourth grade all the cannibals, all of that appealing. I studied the history of the American West in new england and in colorado for two decades. About like i know a lot what makers westerners tick. Were protective because of our landscaping because it is isolated and challenging in some ways. Here is a standard map that we these kinds of things. It is a Louisiana Purchase map. What we talk about with students and it leaves us with th