Pulled blondie out a little w. Door and she scratching and helling at the dog shut up to me to wake my wife up so i got to shut the car off for a minute ill just take her in the garage should be the nominee so why would you kill a dog thats stupid and then the dawned on me why would you kill yourself i thought of it so many times and so many ways i thought about. At one point in time hanging myself from the flagpole was a song on me. Saying exactly what happened to make him feel bad. I was going to. Overdose on pain medication and sleeping medication. And just hope that id fall asleep in my body it would just shut down or something. When i went to the doctor i had been. Feeling sick and dizzy and i was aided and. They took my urine and they told me that i was pregnant. You know theres a wife in there you know and maybe her life will be better than mine and i got to make sure that so. She was very special. Sometimes it takes a different kind of action to cause change to calm. And someti
From the house and i turned the car. To go sit in the car to fix it myself and he pulled blondie out a little w. Door and shes scratching and howling at the dog shut up to me going to wake my wife up so i get out shut the car door for a minute ill just take her in the garage should be the nominee so why would you kill a dog thats stupid and then then it dawned on me why would you kill yourself i thought of it so many times and so many ways i thought about. At one point in time hanging myself from the flagpole was a song on me. Saying exactly what happened to make him feel bad. I was going to. Overdose on pain medication and sleeping medication. And just hope that id fall asleep in my body would just shut down or something. When i went to the doctor i had been feeling sick and dizzy and nausea and as he ate it and. They took my urine and they told me that i was pregnant. You know theres a wife and there you know maybe her life will be better than mine and i got to make sure that so. She
Consume my soul i am free now and im not afraid ready to soar. I took a whole bottle of pills and woke up strangely enough im not sure why. I at that point in my life i just wanted to be over and think i was 2021 and then. Within the next year i tried again i went out into the garage which separate from the house when i turned the car. To go sit in the car and fix it myself and it was all pulled blondie went out a little w. Door and she scratching and telling at the dog shut up to me going to wake my wife up so i got to shut the car door for a minute ill just take her in the garage would be the nicest why would you kill a dog thats stupid and then then the dawn. Why would you kill yourself i thought of it so many times and so many ways i thought about. At one point in time hanging myself from the flagpole was a song on me. Saying exactly what happened to make him feel bad. I was going to. Overdose on pain medication and sleeping medication. And just hope that id fall asleep in my body
My sister and. People and. I was just going through some of this stuff and im like whats this you know and i open it up im like oh my god. My suicide letter. Bomb im sorry for the grease that you must feel. Just because im gone physically doesnt mean i will be there spiritually i truly feel that god will take me without question even though i took my own life. Ive had the most broken thoughts of dreams and physical pain to remind me of the her if it acts upon me that happened while one of duty a mother brother sister and husband should never live with knowing the horrible acts upon me find peace in knowing that my bot that the body left behind doesnt consume my soul i am free now and im not afraid ready to soar corded and you know. I took a whole bottle of pills and woke up strangely enough im not sure why. I at that point in my life i just wanted to be over. And think i was 2021 and then. Within the next year i tried again i went out into the garage which separate from the house when
Body it would just shut down or something. When i went to the doctor i had been feeling sick and dizzy and i was aided and. They took my urine and they told me that i was pregnant i. Was like you know theres a wife in there you know and maybe a great wife will be better than mine and i got to make sure that so. She is very special. Sometimes it takes a different kind of action to cause change to calm. And sometimes. A lot. I grew up on military bases my dad was career army when i was a child when we answer the phone we just have to say colonel brooks quarters and because of that i have as i have an understanding of the level of control that the military exercises that perhaps most in civilian life dont have. The fairness doctrine is a judicial doctrine that was developed by the Supreme Court that says if youre in the military you cannot sue for something that happens to you thats incidental your military service if you military doctors amputate the wrong limb youre out of luck you cann