Indopacific region. He spoke at an event by the brookings institution. Ladies and gentlemen, good morning and welcome to the brookings institution. Before i begin my remarks, id just like to say on behalf of the institution that we are thinking every moment about the challenges that australia is facing with the wildfires that are impacting australia in such a dramatic and negative way. Tan they are in our thoughts and in our prayers. As well, we also are focused on the passenger list of the aircraft that was lost in iran two days ago. All of those souls are in our thoughts and prayers today. Im john allen im the president of the brookings institution. We are very honored to have you with us. Happy kn happy new year. We are pleased this morning to welcome the secretary of the Army Ryan Mccarthy who is our distinguished guest and our great ally in helping to study the future of the United States army, the defense department, and the challenges that we face in the security environment. Se
That should be the basic ingredients of tax reform. First it should be fair to taxpayers of this country. The tax bill enacted two years ago was certainly not fair. It failed in that test. As i pointed out, who benefited . Well, large corporations benefited dramatically by this bill, but they said look, well pass it on to the workers. But did they pass it on to the workers . In 2018, 1. 1 trillion were used to repurchase stock to make the wealthiest even wealthier and did not go to the benefit of the workers. It benefited the greatest on the personal income tax side to the highest income taxpayers. They are the ones who benefited the most. It was not fair to middleclass taxpayers. Secondly, a tax reform bill should be fiscally responsible. After all, we have taxes in order to raise revenue, in order to pay for services so we dont borrow from the future for our children and grandchildren to pay for what were doing today. The administration said that this would be a fiscally responsible
Pennsylvania, and Award Winning author, coauthor and editor of 20 civil war books, and more than 40 related articles. Most of which are relevant to the civil war photography. He is the Vice President at the center for civil war photography, he has been a license battlefield guide for 25 years. He has been shown in numerous productions shown on television. He worked fulltime as the chief historian of the American Battlefield trust. Without any further introduction, i present to you, my friend garry adelman. Hello everyone. It is an easy doing the whole civil war in such a whole period of time. Im committed to getting this done, im already wasting time so good look for those of you that like to take notes. Okay. The seeds of the civil war are sewn in the constitution, and soon after, where slaves were partly a person, sometimes theyre not a person, so you really see north and south starting to look at each other differently. Southerners look to the north, and although they speak the same
Colleague and general director of mia russia today, vgtrk presenter dmitry kiselyov. The most pressing issues that concern millions of russians, and of course, a significant part of the conversation was devoted to security and Foreign Policy from the situation in ukraine. Is it possible to negotiate with kiev, which directly depends on the mood of the west and on what terms, what is the danger of careless statements by some european leaders and talk about the use of nuclear weapons. Key statements by the head of state. Which no matter how kiev drew up the presentation for its sponsors, the real situation on the battlefield cannot be ignored, the increasingly significant successes of the russian army explain the increasing frequency of mentioning the word negotiations, and this is only at first glance; against the backdrop of the western idea of ​​inflicting a strategic defeat on our country, it may seem like a split personality. Firstly, the west really has many faces, and secondly
President bidens 2024 budget request before a Senate Appropriations committee. They outlined their focus on people, readiness and modernization and discussed investments with joint forces in the indo pacific region. Testified on president bidens 2024 budget request before a Senate Appropriations committee. They outlined focused on people, readiness, and modernization. 300 million below last years but 11 billion more than the year before that. Worldwide challenges threads constantly evolving. The armies the future is to transfer the army into the army of 2030. This transformation includes organizational forces in the development of equipment and new concepts to defeat our adversaries. We can best help the army on its path through the timely enactment of the defense appropriations bill for fy 24. Appropriations provide to allow the army to execute and operate execute plans appropriately. Let me put it this way. In order for the army to be all it can be, we Congress Must do our jobs. I lo