people that sort of string something together. it s not a country. but we send over to our allies 2,500 humvees. so when i heard 2,500 i thought it was a typo in the new york times. i said, they mean 25. they mean 2 1/2. they mean 250 maybe. that s a lot. so these are 2,500 humvees, armor plated so when the bombs go off you don t lose your life and legs and arms. really great vehicles. one shot is fired and these guys run away and the enemy picks up 2,500. think of it. think of it. so we need the right thinking. and i said some people said, what a terrible statement he
way, yemen, the war that obama thought he won a year ago. oh, yemen, great, it s over, it s over. about two weeks later it was gone. they took all our equipment, they took all our trucks, think of this. we make 2,300 humvees, armor-plated. the most incredible. shots fired and the guys we gave them to, our allies, you know, our allies, they run, one shot goes in the air, they run. so the enemy takes over 2,300 humvees. when i saw the number i said no, no, no, two or three, you mean, not 2,000. you mean they took over two or three? we re listening to leading republican presidential candidate donald trump speaking there in bluffton, south carolina, reiterating the same talking points we ve heard before in his stump speech but it appears he is sharpening his attacks against two people rick perry and lindsey graham,