Moz village of Kalbajar district is located in Abdullaushagi village administrative territorial district, on the bank of the Moz River, in a mountainous area. The village was occupied by Armenian armed forces in 1993. During the occupation, Armenian vandals destroyed the village and turned it into ruins
Tatar village of Zangilan district is located in the foothills. The village was occupied by Armenian armed forces in 1993. During the occupation, Armenian vandals destroyed the village and turned it into ruins
Eyvazkhanbayli village of Aghdam district is located at the Magsudlu village administrative district. The village was occupied by Armenian armed forces in 1993. During the occupation, Armenian vandals destroyed the village and turned it into ruins
Ikinji Mughanli village of Zangilan district is located along the Araz River. The village was occupied by Armenian armed forces in 1993. During the occupation, Armenian vandals destroyed the village and turned
Padar village of Gubadli district is located in Balasoltanli village administrative district, on the bank of Hakari River. The village was occupied by Armenian armed forces in 1993. During the occupation, Armenian vandals destroyed the village and turned it into ruins