but hurricane was brewing as mary manilow launched into his medley. if you only know what i m going for a i just can t smile thank you for your cooperation. we have severe weather. move quickly and calmly. get out, that was it. no springsteen, no paul simon but fema was called in. she came in she gave without taking, the hurricane came, there was something new there. i loved when the concert suddenly ended, then cnn s
such a bad disease but this does not change that we don t have long-term safety data. laura: as i understand it most of the data that have been gathered in applications for full approval predated the arrival of the delta variant in the united states which is what the vaccine has more trouble with overtime. the trials were run in 2020 and what happened with the end of the trials or last year was half the people in the placebo arm and half in the treatment arm, the people in the placebo arm unblinded a i said for most of the people if you want the vaccine you can have it so the trial can t be used to measure