Rosslyn Apartment Tower for Sale "JBG Smith Properties is selling its Central Place luxury apartment tower in Rosslyn, the latest example of its departure from assets outside National Landing, where it's been consolidating for years. Initial offers on the 31-story building, comprising 377 all market-rate units at 1800 N. Lynn St., are due May
Clement Favors Public Hearing In Early 2024 To Review Missing Middle - Arlington, VA - Arlington County Board candidates were asked at a debate whether they would support a public hearing on Missing Middle in early 2024.
In challenging his former boss for the Commonwealth’s Attorney job, Josh Katcher for months has argued that the incumbent’s office is in a “free fall” she .
New Assistant Fire Chief "The Arlington County Fire Department is proud to announce the hiring of Jason R. Jenkins for the position of Assistant Fire Chief. Chief Jenkins has over 26 years of experience in Fire and Emergency Medical Services (EMS), serving most recently as an Assistant Fire Chief with the Fairfax County Fire
It's not easy to beat a Democratic incumbent or endorsee in deep blue Arlington, but independent and GOP candidates in local races are trying to find ways to do just that in the days