California Conference for Equality and Justice (CCEJ) will host a virtual gathering for guests representing diverse communities of business, academia, government, community and faith-based organizations to welcome distinguished speaker Dr. Leah Gunning Francis, at the “Faith in Justice” 30th Interfaith Intercultural Breakfast on Thursday, February 18, 2021 at 8:30 am (Pacific Time).
Dr. Leah Gunning Francis. Photo courtesy of CCEJ.
This year’s speaker, Dr. Leah Gunning Francis, is a seminary professor, activist, mother of two African American sons, and author of
Ferguson and Faith: Sparking Leadership and Awakening Community, a volume of stories gathered from clergy and young activists on the street in the aftermath of Michael Brown’s murder. Dr. Gunning Francis will share stories that will break your heart, inspire you, and incite action for a more just and equal world.