say about. if you want to russify, the russians have tried to do that for centuries in ukraine. street signs are flog. you have to take decades and make people think they are not ukrainianen you have to think in terms of many years. why are they doing it, just for the russian people? why are they doing it? because they think it sing to work. if you live in a bubble, whether arlgd bubble, russia bubble, north korea bubble if you live in a bubble among people who confirm what you think, the people in moscow are going to think for years and vladimir putin said this for years and centuries there is no ukraine. ukraine is part of the greater russian empire. therefore they should not excise aso exist as a separate entity we think as westerners that s a crazy idea. i m telling you the psychology of that bubble confirms to people like putin that his ideas that ukraine is fallout ukraine that it s russia, he thinks it s