Arkansas State Police Retirement System is a Public Pension located in Little Rock, Arkansas United States, North America, and was founded in 1951. Current Assets for Arkansas State Police Retirement System is $405,684,265 and SWFI has 5 periods of historical assets, 12 personal contacts available for CSV Export.
The Legislative Joint Auditing Committee voted Friday to authorize Arkansas Legislative Audit to review Sevier County Medical Center s use of $6.25 million in federal American Rescue Plan funds.
The Legislative Joint Auditing Committee voted Friday to authorize Arkansas Legislative Audit to review Sevier County Medical Center s use of $6.25 million in federal American Rescue Plan funds.
The Arkansas Public Employees Retirement System's trustees on Tuesday appointed system Deputy Director Allison Woods as the system's interim executive director and decided to advertise the permanent executive director's post for 10 days.
Buoyed by robust stock markets, the Arkansas Public Employees Retirement System’s investments gained $2.6 billion in value in the fiscal year that ended June 30 to reach $11.6 billion, the system’s investment consultant reported Wednesday.