that. then it would have been of course it would have run hollow. if i had insulted you nine times out of ten conversations, and in thenth i said, you re a pretty good guy, you would have been skeptical. arkansas h had obviously we re in that mode. at least he would have said the right thing this time, look what happened today. lou dobbs saying it s fake bombs, fake news, he doesn t know what he s talking about. the chorus at fox attacking the media for this, a media they say they re a part of. what kind of response is that the day after the bombs were sent. i don t get how we could have gotten worse. i think we don t really know if this was a sincere act of terrorism. if it was a false flag. so i m not going to prejudge and i don t think anyone should prejudge the motives or the tactics of this particular individual. they are prejudging it, though. what s far more important, chris, is that i think we need more republicans and democrats to stand out and say, we don t wa