The son of country music artist, songwriter, and actor George Strait is known as Bubba Strait. Unlike his father, he is not famous as a country music artist. He is …
To drive through downtown Little Rock these days is to see a city leaning into its own reinvention. Multiple cranes hover above the Arkansas River, part of the massive Interstate 30 bridge replacement, a project that has radiated new energy into the city s core. Nearby, the River Market District hums with activity day and night while other pockets of the urban area on both sides of Interstate 630 bristle with new restaurants, residential and office space, or speak of such things to come.
To drive through downtown Little Rock these days is to see a city leaning into its own reinvention. Multiple cranes hover above the Arkansas River, part of the massive Interstate 30 bridge replacement, a project that has radiated new energy into the city s core. Nearby, the River Market hums with activity day and night while other pockets of the urban district on both sides of Interstate 630 bristle with new restaurants, residences and office space or speak of such things to come.
New Arkansas law requires bottle filling stations be installed in all new schools and major renovations
Act 775 ensures students have access to proper hydration. Bottle filling stations are cleaner than water fountains and allow kids to take water to the classroom. Author: 5NEWS Web Staff Updated: 12:58 PM CDT April 22, 2021
ARKANSAS, USA Governor Asa Hutchinson has signed a new bill into law that provides kids in Arkansas access to proper, clean hydration during school hours.
Act 775 requires all new schools to have water bottle filling stations and for the stations to be installed in ongoing school additions and future renovations to existing schools.