Welcome to new perspectives and sources on the elaine massacre of 1919. The panel is devoted to advancing our understanding of the horrific series of events that began just over 100 years ago in which africanamericans were hunted down by a paranoid and enraged crowd of whites inside delta arkansas. I want to recognize first the work guy lancaster did in helping to organize this panel. Unfortunately he had to change his plans to join us and participate. All three of our scholars here on this panel are contributors to a book edited by guy lancaster and we are shamelessly plugging that right here. The the elaine massacre and arkansas a century of atrocity and resistance, 1819 to 1919. Full disclosure, im in there too. But this is not about me. I want to introduce all three of our panelists first, and they will each present for about 20, 25 minutes. And after that i will spend just a few minutes offering some thoughts designed to generate discussion. And then i will get out of the way and
Conference quick welcome to new perspectives and sources, this is a panel to devoted to understanding a horrific series events that started just over id years ago where African Americans were hunted down by an raged crowd of whites in arkansas, i want to recognize the work lancaster did in helping to organize this panel, in unfortunately he had to change his plans to join us, and participate all three of our scholars, here on this panel are contributors to a book edited, we are shamelessly plugging that right here, the elaine mascara in arkansas, a century of atrocity and resistance, 1819 to 1919, full disclosure i read it to, this is not about me, i want to introduced all three of our panelists first, though each present for about 20 to 25 minutes, and after that i will spend just a few minutes offering some thoughts, designed to generate discussion and then we will enjoy a question, answer i will get out of the, way we will go in the order of the Program First matthew hills who, is a
Up next, a discussion about the racially motivated 1919 elaine, arkansas massacre. Panelists contributed to the book. Part of the 2000 19 Southern Historical Associations Annual conference. 2019 welcome to new perspectives and sources on the elaine massacre of 1919. This is devoted to advancing our understanding of a horrific series of events that began just over 100 years ago in which africanamericans were hunted by a paranoid and enraged crowd of whites in the arkansas delta. I want to recognize the work of guy lancaster and helping to organize this panel. Unfortunately, he had to change his plans to join us and participate. All three of our scholars on this panel are contributors to a book edited by guy lanchester. We are shamelessly plugging that here. A century of atrocity and resistance, 18191919. Full disclosure. I am in there but this is not about me. I want to introduce our panelists. They will each present for 25 minutes. After that, i will spend a few minutes offering though
Congratulations to our founding state Municipal League winners. Lets give it up for them one more time. [applause] ernow several other speakers this morning help us recognize the Important Role that intergovernmental relationships play in the history of cities, towns and villages over the years. And her speakers this afternoon are going to die even deeper into the power of those started. We are going to kick things off here with a very important topic, a topic in which how leaders like us can develop and support Strong Mental Health resources and services for our own communities. The great news [applause] the great news is that we have partners in congress. We truly do have partners in congress on both sides of the aisle who are a ready to help us do the work through the Bipartisan Senate Mental Health caucus. And today it is my true conversation with one of the caucus cochairs, senator tina smith from the state ofm minnesota. [applause] senator schmitt was once chief of staff to the m
Lift their minds to the pure, t serenity of your presence challenges with faith and challenges with faith and optimism. May they find delight in doing your will because your precepts are within their hearts. Remind them that all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. Deliver them from sins of commission and omission. As you liberate them from all lessor loves and loyalties until they find in you their reason for being. We pray in your holy name. Amen. The president pro tempore please join me in reciting the pledge of allegiance to the flag. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Mr. Mcconnell mr. President . The presiding officer the majority leader. Mr. Mcconnell yesterday the Justice Department released a transcript of the orlando terrorist 911 call in which he claimed responsibility for the attack and declared his loy