ark of the covenant. the 10th century b.c. is the last time anybody actually really sees it according to the biblical tradition. now, there are other stories. and these all are related to the babylonian destruction of the city in 536 b.c., that maybe somebody spirited the ark out of the city just ahead of the destruction. reporter: many believe these underground tunnels were used to secretly transport the ark out of jerusalem when the city was under siege. and when the babylonian invaders took detailed inventory of the treasures they plundered, something was missing. the babylonians took all the treasures from jerusalem, it was not in the list anymore. the ark? yes. the ark was not in the list. there are all kinds of possibilities as to where it ended up. reporter: so we went in
the 10th century b.c. is the last time anybody actually really sees it according to the biblical tradition. now, there are other stories. and these all are related to the babylonian destruction of the city in 536 b.c., that maybe somebody spirited the ark out of the city just ahead of the destruction. reporter: many believe these underground tunnels were used to secretly transport the ark out of jerusalem when the city was under siege. and when the babylonian invaders took detailed inventory of the treasures they plundered, something was missing. the babylonians took all the treasures from jerusalem, it was not in the list anymore. the ark? yes. the ark was not in the list. there are all kinds of possibilities as to where it ended up. reporter: so we went in search of it.
the 10th century b.c. is the last time anybody actually really sees it according to the biblical tradition. now, there are other stories. and these all are related to the babylonian destruction of the city in 536 b.c., that maybe somebody spirited the ark out of the city just ahead of the destruction. reporter: many believe these underground tunnels were used to secretly transport the ark out of jerusalem when the city was under siege. and when the babylonian invaders took detailed inventory of the treasures they plundered, something was missing. the babylonians took all the treasures from jerusalem, it was not in the list anymore. the ark? yes. the ark was not in the list. there are all kinds of possibilities as to where it ended up. reporter: so we went in search of it. one famous story suggests the
most of them. but we are still left with a huge, large question mark regarding the time of david and solomon. one day maybe you ll find out. or not. this is also an answer. reporter: today jews pray at the only wall that remains of the second temple that was built later and also destroyed. the idea of the first temple was so powerful that for thousands of years people of different faiths have considered that same spot sacred. even muslims decided to build their sacred building on the same spot, on the same hill. reporter: even though evidence of the temple or the man himself hasn t been found, most scholars believe there was a solomon. but not the larger than life solomon in the hebrew bible did not exist. he did not rule a vast kingdom. he did not build a huge capital city in jerusalem. he was not a nationally or internationally known figure. reporter: even though the wisdom of solomon is legendary,
underground tunnels were used to secretly transport the ark out of jerusalem when the city was under siege. and when the babylonian invaders took detailed inventory of the treasures they blundered, something was missing. it was not in the list anymore. the ark. yes. the ark was not on the list. there are all kinds of possibilities as to where it ended up. so we went in search of it. one famous story suggests the ark was taken from jerusalem to egypt hundreds of years before the babylonian siege began. that s where indiana jones goes and looks for it. we re told that an egyptian pharaoh, he may of attacked