'Kundali Bhagya' actor Shakti Arora has decided to adopt the beard look of his character in real life. The actor prefers to have a clean-shave look or a rugged beard look but for his on-screen personality Arjun Suryavanshi, he has to keep a properly trimmed beard, and now he is becoming fond of this style. | Tellychakkar.com
'Kundali Bhagya' actor Shakti Arora has decided to adopt the beard look of his character in real life. The actor prefers to have a clean-shave look or a rugged beard look but for his on-screen personality Arjun Suryavanshi, he has to keep a .
TV actress Shraddha Arya got emotional during an award function while remembering her on-screen chemistry with Dheeraj Dhoopar in the family drama 'Kundali Bhagya'. Shraddha and her co-actor Shakti Arora received the 'Best Jodi Award' and this .
TV actress Shraddha Arya got emotional during an award function while remembering her on-screen chemistry with Dheeraj Dhoopar in the family drama 'Kundali