whether progressive democrats even wanted her in the party. already in arizona sinema s h potential 2024 democratic opponents are lining up to pile on the criticism. congressman rueben gallego said sinema is once again putting her own interests ahead of getting things done for arizonans and s congressman greg stanton tweeted her party switch is about on political preservation and he signaled his own interest in running. what are national democrats going to do? the white house helped clear the will the white house help clear the field and help sinema? the white house press secretary called sinema a key partner following her decision. she provided a lot of the bipartisan victories that biden touts. but the president himself has at times singled out sinema
0 assets have been seized, she undid a pink untitled to $100 a year. that was it? that was it. does she worry still? perhaps. but he has declined all interview requests, including ours. i know that when i tried to contact her, she did not want to speak because she was still frightened. as for the delhi, it went to his brother, but last we checked, they had yet to perfect the recipe for the creamiest chocolate cake around, that cake to die for, that killer cake. that is all for this edition of dateline, i m craig melvin. thank you for watching. thank you for watching this sunday, leaving the party. arizona senator kyrsten sinema says she is leaving the democratic party and registering as an independent i am willing to work with anyone to get things done. her decision complicates democrats plans for the future and their hopes of holding control in 2024. my stand today is about joining the many americans who don t believe that any political party fits them perfectly.