on March 10, 2021
Greens Peak splendor (Forest Service Photo, from
The Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests’ Lakeside Ranger District plans to conduct a prescribed burn of a slash pile between Monday, March 8, and Wednesday, March 31, 2021, as conditions allow.
Slash is the accumulation of limbs, leaves, pine needles and miscellaneous fuel left by natural debris and forest management activities, such as thinning, pruning, and timber harvesting. Slash piles are created by gathering these materials into manageable, isolated piles that can be burned in a safe manner to reduce fire hazards.
The prescribed burn, located within the Lakeside Administration Site, will require one day of ignitions on a single large pile, which is approximately 1-acre of land. Fire crews will be on scene from ignition until there is no longer a threat of escape from the project boundaries. Prescribed fire, also known as RX, operations are subject to canc