IRes will expand its efforts to help tribal communities develop local solutions to climate issues by sustaining existing programs and hiring new Indigenous scholars and support additional outreach efforts with Native Nations.
The inaugural postdoctoral research associate, Magda Garbowski, began her position this semester after completing a USDA-National Institute of Food and Agriculture postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Wyoming.
From studying rainforest canopies to otherworldly environments, Biosphere 2 opens an immense amount of possibility for different fields of study at a time in which they are prevalent points of public interest and concern. And it’s located just about 31 miles from Tucson.
From studying rainforest canopies to otherworldly environments, Biosphere 2 opens an immense amount of possibility for different fields of study at a time in which they are prevalent points of public interest and concern. And it’s located just about 31 miles from Tucson.