Slain Delhi Police inspector Mohan Chand Sharma’s wife on Thursday expressed shock over the High Court commuting to life imprisonment the death penalty of Ariz Khan, who was convicted for killing the officer in the 2008 Batla House encounter.
Maya Sharma said the Delhi High Court order could
new delhi, the delhi high court on thursday commuted to life term the death penalty awarded to ariz khan following his conviction in the sensational 2008 batla house encounter in which inspector mohan chand sharma
The Delhi High Court has commuted the death penalty of Ariz Khan to life imprisonment for his involvement in the 2008 Batla House encounter. The court upheld his conviction for the murder of Delhi Police Inspector Mohan Chand Sharma but refused to confirm the capital punishment. The court s detailed order is yet to be released.
The Delhi High Court on Thursday commuted to life term the death penalty awarded to Ariz Khan following his conviction in the sensational 2008 Batla House encounter in which decorated Delhi Police Inspector Mohan Chand Sharma lost his life.
A bench of Justices Siddharth Mridul and Amit Sharma