The agitating students of Rajshahi University on Monday lifted the rail blockage that had prevented the district s rail connections with other areas in Bangladesh, Dhaka Tribune reported.
Dhaka , March 13: The agitating students of Rajshahi University on Monday lifted the rail blockage that had prevented the district’s rail connections with other areas in Bangladesh, Dhaka Tribune reported. On Sunday night, the Rajshahi-Dhaka rail line was cut off by the protesting students, and at least six passenger trains were stuck. Following the altercation with the villagers on Saturday, they also set fire to the railroad near Charukola Point, which is close to Rajshahi University Train Station, at […]
Atleast two persons died and 100 others were left injured in an attack led by an angry mob of several Islamist organisation leaders against the Ahmadiyya community in Panchagarh district in northern Bangladesh.Of the 100 persons injured .
Atleast two persons died and 100 others were left injured in an attack led by an angry mob of several Islamist organisation leaders against the Ahmadiyya community in Panchagarh district in northern.