Women can change the course of history. This has been evident in the United States for decades, where even as women of color have suffered most from gendered harassment and violence, they have also been on the frontlines of change. Recently, women of color bookended of one of the most divisive US presidencies ever: The Women’s March marked the beginning of Trump’s presidency, and the votes of women of color marked the end of his presidency. Over this period, Aleyamma Mathew (APLP Generation 5) has continued to amplify the voices and work of women of color as they advocate domestically and build transnational networks for change. Ms. Mathew directs The Collective Future Fund, which identifies, funds, and uplifts distinguished action to eliminate sexual harassment and violence. Join us to hear her talk about why this work is important and the path that has led her to it. She’ll talk about what she has learned along the way, and share some of her biggest questions.