Seersucker suit. The company about that manufactures those all cotton suits for those hot summer days. But first, headlines from su keenan. We have h r block in the news, one of the top performers in the s p 500 today, reaching an all new high after the Tax Services Company posted fourthquarter profits and revenues that beat analyst estimates. Climbed 35 from a year ago. And another record high today on speculation that it is on the brink of a takeover. Anadarko has soared since april when it agreed to pay 5 million to clean up a long standing pollution site, clearing the way for a potential suitor. And Francois Hollande will discuss an energy visit tomorrow. In talks with mitsubishi on a joint bid to counter ge. Those are a look at the top stories. Much, suyou very keenan. Our other top story today, Virginia Republican aric cantor will step down as majority leader on july 31, this after his primary election upset yesterday. In a News Conference moments ago, he said come a despite the