talking about in this manner should let everybody know that this is too stupid it s not a dog whistle anymore tim, it s a full on bark, is what they re doing woke is the new crt is the new you re playing the risk card what they re doing is just b slapping woke on everything, it s like an accessory on th gop s grab bag of grievance. anything that bucks them, or they think will rile up thei base against democrats, th president and administration about anything, they will stee the conversation to race it is absolutely ridiculou that given what we know now, a tim said we should not b surprised that they re out there peddling approvable flies, saying that a bank gave mone to black lives matter and it didn t happen. there should be accountability for fox news and for those folks for peddling in lies i do think it s incumbent upon us in the media. i think it s incumbent upo right thinking republicans t stand up and say, that argumen that they re making over there is room. to tim s point, here
had faced security issues, including the threats, and tha the measure was intended t keep the court proceedings safe is that a reasonable argumen for keeping the hearin concealed? i mean, this case coul potentially impose the mos far-reaching limit on abortion access since roe was struc down so, i don t want to secon guess what the judge said on that private call, i cannot be in his head. i can say that of course the issue of abortion is extremely contentious in the unite states, it doesn t surprise me that they re worried about safety issues or threats that s why we have u.s marshals, courthouse us but i ll say, for the federal government, it reall put lawyers in a quandar because for them, they fee that unless a case is file under seal, there is a big national security risk to it it could harm the united state standing around the globe. it could endanger citizens they really do not want things
you and i spoke yesterda essentially about what was happening on the ground an iowa, desantis versus trum come two days from now let s talk a little bit if you can about what huddling in florida means for the trum team with this manhattan da ask? i think people will be very surprised if donald trump ends up testifying under oath usually, there is a lot of ris associated with that on the other hand, you may see there is an opportunity here t go out and make the argument that he is being unfairl singled out when he might be able to take into other cases. certainly makes that argumen publicly people use, people with this kind of money and politica nate connection off the us nondisclosure agreements for a variety of reasons and you know often, they are not prosecuted even if there i something unsavory or illega about them it could be he decides to do
with you that it is very unlikely he would go to jail whether people to get charge with misdemeanors and you go t jail all the time in new york. i also think that if it is a felony is much more likely tha he would do jail time. in addition, for those peopl who are not just total trump loyalists, there is th political implication of somebody being charged while they run for president it is worth remembering that donald trump used that argumen to say hillary clinton shoul not be voted for and b president. but that she is going to b immersed in all of these criminal and legal cases i mean, now i see the show i on the other foot and you ca imagine people thinking, you know what? let him deal with his criminal cases and be distracted by that he is not something i m goin to vote for. that is certainly a politica repercussion, not a legal one. so, you know the manhatta da, alvin bragg. you have worked with him o different issues over th
the past, like we just lost a 20 year war to goat herders wt with rifles in afghanistan. and now alril offles a sudden, n poking a nuclear power in russia, where vladimir putin ss like some sort of bond villain that becomes more dangerou ss russ and deranged as russia continues to lose power and influence. so conte power an we are majoring n the minors by and by involving ourselves excessively in this way. but in ukraine, weexcessively ie our gaze and confront the china threat. well, the i , i , i ve been r been singing the china song for twenty years. know, 20twenty five years now. e so i completely agree with you. bu but none of this is aided by a quote, national divorce. again, thad t doesn t solve anye of these problems. so it s in it os now an argumen that the democrats are going use to use against us in 2020 fourco say, well, those people want the country to be split in twoh even. that s not it s not really what she s saying. but it s such an easily caricatured sentiment and s