one sentence i think will do it that sentences do not spend dola american tax dollars to process or release intoceso country anyy new migrants. that s what we got to try to get on every singlet on eve e of legislation that we can enforce. joe bidend fon to do the right thing. so, joe biden, we know since you ve beeo joe n president,atih by eliminating the policies of donald trump, that working, we now he allowed 8.3 million people now crossing that border are all pretty much unvetted, including some of of very hostile regimes towards this country. regimes towaf our biggest geopolitical foes. ge oath lawbiden take ant to uphold the laws of our land, our constitution, and every law is based on that document. if i were to ask, is a president now allowed to justws pick and choose what laws they ll enforce? is a president to aid and abet in in the law breaking by offering free transportatiolan, d to our governors are allowed to offer free health care like free being offered in statess li
with taiwan. he was never going to do it.he , and now he s circling, ng circling. ships are circling. planes are flying over, the toi twenty eight bombersng 28 lasto went over the right over. the middle of it. a lot of stuff going on . and a lot of this has to do also with the fact that we were so incompetentincomp in the way left afghanistan. it was sleo i think it was the most it was the most embarrassing and most count incompetent moment ini the history of our country.thin at that and they said wow, thi and i think both of them lookedw at that and they said , wow,. this is not the same country that we know . re we rebuilt our military,milita rebuilt the military, new jets, new everythingryts. we had everything. and they gave away eighty five billion dollars worth of the best equipmenon tit the world. nobody can eve e it.f v aftebiggest i mean, the biggest seller of equipment thattan. the biggest right after us afghaniagine?s. in and can you imagine, afghanistan is one ofd. the bigge
the platforms to say, we have to be the referees. if there s no referees, it s complete wild west. and we have russians and others taking control of the platforms. good answer. josh, listen, just today zuckerberg doubled down on facebook s political ad policy. didn t address twitter directly but said, we need to be careful about adopting more and more rules. in a democracy, i don t think it is right for private company to censor politicians or the news. according to zuckerberg, political advertising will account for less than .5% of next year s quarterly ad reve e revenue. does the risk/reward scenario make sense for them? no, not at all. look at the reputational damage this has done to facebook already. there are very few things that republicans and democrats in washington can agree on, but most of them agree that facebook and social media platforms are doing a terrible job and are a problem and you ve had republicans working the refs. you ve now had joe biden come out, elizabet
but this one took it took his spunk. and i miss i miss him. i ve had to learn, i have to fall in love with him all over again. reporter: amy doesn t have to look far to find support in taking care of her husband. their three children have become caregivers, too. my children encompass what it means to love without boundaries. when they notice that i am stressed, they will try to pick up the slack. there is nothing that my children would not do for their father. reporter: her husband knows how lucky he is to have them by his side. i owe her my life. i do. the amount of stuff i ve put her and the kids through, not just through deployments, but through the aftermath of deployments and all the demons that you face and all the struggles so make sure eat healthy today. reporter: robert grier sr. served in the air force in the korean and vietnam wars, reve e
here is what he told cbs. i think if roles were reve e reversed and this is me just talking based on my experience. if it were a democratic president and these facts were here, most would believe impeachment hearings would have started already. bill clinton to issue with the president s rough rhetoric and name calling. i don t like all this. i could not be elected anything now because i don t like embarrassing people. my mother would have whipped me five days in a row when i was a little boy if i spent my time bad mouthing people like this. christine romans not happy about the mom whipping me reference. we don t whip kids anymor mr. president. i understand your point. the former president out on cbs. he is sitting with james patt patterson. they have a political thriller coming out. melania trump set to attend a reception for gold star families.