approval and full transparency. yeah, butam you are not running for president, and that s the the question. because these millions of llar dollars maybe you ares runningin for presidentg t i am president of the wilson center. but here s thes question. hillary clinton is going to run for president, and the clinton ent an foundation is continuing to accept millions of dollars in ons donations from countries a lot of which like algeria, like qatar, have issues with the united states, have human rights problems. do you think that that should blems continue on? th and aren t they, in a way, trying to buy influence with rying hillary clinton by contributing money to the foundation that hasby her name on it? i think the appearance of nk the what is happening is poor and i think the process that they have, whatever that isis needs to be fully disclosed and there has to be absolute transparency and absolu people will make judgments for nd peopl judgm but foreign govern