A special prayer was held at Terevete Park in Avarua on Wednesday where 200-300 people gathered to pray for peace in the Middle East as the Israel-Hamas war rages on.
Growing up in a Pacific Island Church in Papakura, I have semi-fond memories as a 10-year-old memorising Psalm 46 – the whole chapter for our annual “Irava Tatou”. I say semi-fond, for while I am immensely grateful now, as a passionate follower of Jesus, Psalm 46 is ingrained in my heart. However, that wasn’t the attitude I had when I was 10, no siree! Paul Kauri, lead pastor at The Arepua Gateway Assembly of God Church writes.
I’ve been reading through the book of Hebrews lately. I preached a message in Mangaia using this book as a reference, and I recently used this book for our Bible Class at Tereora College this week, writes Paul Kauri, lead pastor at The Arepua Gateway Assembly of God Church.
This week has been a beautiful crescendo of many months of planning, fundraising, organising and no doubt, pressure to navigate the many ceremonies in commemorating the preaching of Christ through the arrival of the gospel 200 years ago throughout the Ngaputoru and finishing with Rarotonga, writes Paul Kauri, lead pastor at The Arepua Gateway Assembly of God Church.