of color. a lot of people even who aren t of colored but who have felt othered in some way in this country. and sometimes it s the sting of those words but it s also the feeling it leaves you with. and this conversation, this tweeting storm and the attacks we ve seen this week has also created an interesting question about what it means to be an ally. what should those republican leaders be saying when they are looking at the leader of their own party? what should they be modelling when it comes to speaking out? i think that those republican leaders should look at lyndon johnson. go back into history. he knew that making sure that people could sit in classrooms together regardless of race, he knew that was not going to be popular, particularly in the south. they knew that opening up fountains at drug stores and people being able to eat next to one another, share the same restrooms, that that absolutely was not going to be popular. and he even predicted that there were going to be