Since 7 Problem Solvers first exposed issues between a tenant and her landlord, Preischel Realty, more tenants of other Preischel Properties have reached out to 7 News, desperate for help.
Berlin (ots) - Kurz vor der Wahl zum Berliner Abgeordnetenhaus haben sich die Spitzenkandidatinnen und -kandidaten der sechs aussichtsreichsten Parteien im rbb-Fernsehen anderthalb Stunden lang den Fragen
rises up with a plan that is acceptable to as many people as possible. we ll be watching for that. look, these aren t issues that have simple answers. it s one thing for people around the world to look at the humanity and the suffering, and another thing to try to craft solutions to problems escaping easy solutions. it want tore clear about that. yet, at the policy level, it does relate to whether we look at this as a human problem with people of good will in bad situations or whether there is demagoguery, which is something your group has pushed explicitly in regards to donald trump. i want to read from your letter. you say immigrants willing to work in the united states contribute greatly to our economy, society and culture. may those who wish to contribute and work remain welcome. you slammed the proposals on mass deportation. what do you think is the right way to resolve this, and is donald trump ultimately in your view going to cost republicans potentially the election? so to
it will be back and forth, touch and go, cat and mouse for maybe months. for those of us who aren t stuck in airports, is a fascinating time. i m sure they aren t issues. thank you very much. the tea party not as cohesive. a new survey ahead. could anger in america lead to home grown terrorism. donny hosts an hour. a single contribution to a greener world? [ moans ] [ speaking native language ] [ speaking native language ] [ male announcer ] doctors have been saying it forever. let s take a look. [ male announcer ] but they ve never actually been able to do it like this. let s take a look. [ male announcer ] v-scan from ge healthcare. a pocket sized imaging device that will help change the way doctors see patients.
seems to have recurred again with the christmas day attempted issue with the delta flight, northwest flight going into detroit. now we have airport security beefed up again, all of which means more delay for the traveler. that s not really your reason, that s not a cause that you ve come up with, but it does reflect on you when travelers are upset, because it s taking them too long to get to the where they have to get. sure. wlook at security briefs that happened in muiric. thousands of travelers. very little they could do about that except provide the best service we can when there aren t issues. one of 9 biggest issues with the air traffic control system and the delays that engenders. that causes anger among our customers. we burn about 12% more fuel today than we would if we had a modern air traffic control system. better for the entirmt, better four us financially and clearly better for the traveler. when people are frustrated they don t know what they re