because the systems are less, they might be more likely. let s go through the science because i think that salt lake city article just reflects the hysteria. the vaccine does not seem to be as effective as we would like i to be against the spread. i think it s good to have the vaccination, but it won t help people around you as much as we thought. the durability much shorter wit omicron. and remember, 90 percent of folks over 65, the vulnerable population got vaccinated so th people who should be worried we re worried and they got the vaccine. we re blaming the failure of th medication on nonusers, how doe that work, if the medication works you should protect yourself if it doesn t work, don t blame the people who didn t take it. we re hiding the real crisis, the real treatment is you need the test that aren t around and then to have the treatment site include the antibody cocktails which we know work incredibly effectively and we have two fda
the argument because the symptoms are less it might be more likely, but let s just go through the side becauset i think that that s the salt lake tribune article just reflects the hysteria. the ideacle of sending the national guard in a police state to address something that doesn t have a lot of scientific merit. the vaccine does not seem to be as effective as we would like against spread. i think it s goods to have the vaccination because it ll protect youou, but it s not goip to help people around as muchle as we thought the durability much shorter the omicron than we ever expected that israeli studies highlighting that as well. and remember, 90% of folks over sixty five , the vulnerableon population, they got vaccinated. so people who should be worried, we re worried and gott the vaccine. i believe that we re blaming the failure of the medicationth nu on non users. i mean, how does that work if the medication works, protect doesn t work. don t blame the people who didn t take the