The viral pictures show Kareena Kapoor along with her actor-husband Saif Ali Khan and two adorable kids Taimur and Jeh posing for the pictures. The family portrait also had Kareena s aunt Rima Jain, cousin Armaan Jain and his wife Anissa Malhotra Jain in it.
Kareena Kapoor Khan, who shares two children Taimur and Jeh with her husband, actor Saif Ali Khan informed that she has recovered from COVID 19. The actress on December 13 announced that she has tested positive for COVID-19 and is quarantining at her home.
Kareena Kapoor craved pizzas, pastas when she was expecting Taimur and his brother
Kareena Kapoor craved pizzas, pastas when she was expecting Taimur and his brother
Kareena Kapoor talked about her pregnancy cravings during a cooking show. The actress revealed that she craved Italian food when she was expecting Taimur and her brother.
Kareena Kapoor with son Taimur.
Kareena Kapoor recently shot for a celebrity cooking show after her maternity break. During the show, the actress talked about a lot of things including her pregnancy cravings and Kapoor khandaan’s love for food. The actress revealed that she craved pizzas and pastas while she was expecting Taimur and her brother.