my most important kitchen toolol? my brain. so i choose neuriva plus. unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker suorting 6 key indicators of brain health. to help keep me sharp. neuriva: think bger. (bobby) my name is mbrand. my store and my design business? we re exploding. (assistant) in a good way. (bobby) but my old internet, was not letting me run the show. (assistant) it needed a total redo. (bobby) so, we switched to verizon business internet. easy. they have business grade internet, nationwide. fast, reliable, and easy to set up. (assistant) boom. instant makeover. (bobby) now this room is really working. (vo) make the switch. it s your business. it s your verizon. i brought in ensure max protein with 30g of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks.
Major U.S. cities and border communities are receiving millions in federal funding to help house migrants and thousands continue to enter the country every week.
Plucked from the crowd as a teen at a Laredo Bucks game to help the equipment manager, Jorge Lopez worked up to winning the Stanley Cup with the Golden Knights.