Persisted and the most threatened and that we we knew about them more there is more Common Ground we appreciate nature i think more outreach and thoses those places will be used as an educational space theres a lot of passion but theyll remain open as multi use areas i would say that a lot of the trees on Mount Davidson are old they have lifespan of around one and 20 years and these trees are aging impacted by drought and disease and they didnt receive maintenance as they were growing so theyre not very structurally sound theyre on trails which put people realistic i hope you tree lovers dont go up there they whether or when windy roots not structurally sound i had a lot of time working in the presidio that was very hideous when that happened removed hundreds of healthy trees and replaced them with plant it took ifd thousand plants i was able to monitor what was there and keep statistics over what happens ether time it is successful and mammals use that thank you. Ive been here for 5 h
Around this. Absolutely. The reason it feels straisk to write a letter and take a couple months to figure what the letter is but it is complicated and layered issue and think we want to make sure that if we are going take this step wlaurfb level it ends up being we want to address key issues with long term impacts and help us move forward. This letter approach is consistent withi actually read the minutes from the last meeting and we actually talked about these issues to try to get the tmc and other shuttle buses to see how they could be a part the vision zero solution. Absolutely. To the shuttle buses, the mta has held the first two meet jgz have a Quarterly Working Group of large vehicle operator jz not just tour buses it is commune shuttles and trucks and carriers and teamsters who meet quarterly to diss cus the isaoos. Identifying issues they are seeing but also talk about issues we are observing and looking for solutions. Collaborativei dont want to claim everything can be done cl
Heard the arguments to close the golf course theyve heard our arguments to keep the golf course in balance yeah. Lets strike balance that is historic an important recreation no cost thats under the coastal act that is significance value it significant value under the ceqa as well because this is architectural history. I have only heard and ive not had a chance to look at the errata which speaks to something i will look through that and reserve the next 20 seconds i have in this case, i have a problem with that or ask that to be reserved with that, thank you over the years for your support and encourage you to continue to do that. Okay. Next speaker. Good afternoon. My name is phillip a 27 resident of the city im here today as a member of nature in the city to urge your actions before you today San Francisco and bayview are iconic Natural Beauty a mistake to resist those are great places for scores of plant and mammal species and provides safe and healthy recreation important to San Fra
Lagoon in mortal danger by creating had been tablet two close to the ocean endangered the species a youre trying to protect areas their moss more at risk the long term effects on the lagoon and resident will be disastrous the communities of the golf course are too important to be hidden within an eir please extract the renovation plan from the final eir thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon early evening i woken one block if mountain Davidson Park in a home i walk in the forest areas almost daily the thing that is so wonderful about the forest none has mentioned it is so dense you cant see another building or hear traffic cant hear or see cars only the greenery and forest the javpz called that been proven to say a calming up literally effect on people thats what it side to you im against the cutting of 16 hundred trees in mountain davidson and dont support of eir everyone has talked about the 82 plus trees fell and the horrible release of carbons i have to say because i live
There is one problem, it seems like it is a excluded place. They have the Fire Department that will get possibly injured. I looked and said wow, there is no snow under them. Thanks. Is there anyone else who would like to make Public Comments under the general managers report. At this time members of the public may address the commission within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission and do not appear on the agenda. With respect to items you have the opportunity to address the commission when the items is reached. I have 4 cards i will call them off. Jill, dee, sally and kelly. Come on up. Any order. Jill, dee, sally and kelly. Can you hear me . Yes. Thank you. Good morning commissioners. Good morning. The [inaudible] Areas Program will have us believe this plan you will address is all about saving endangered species. They made statements about 50 loss of bio diversity in the plant program, but i want to clarify something, enfact the plant itself required monitoring of only 8