The Gananoque and Area Food Access Network presented a program to the members of the Probus Club in early February. They are working to establish a community…
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The Gananoque and Area Food Access Network has plans to create a local community kitchen as part of their effort to create food stability and sustainability in the area. In order to best serve the public, they are asking that residents fill out a community cooks survey.
“The Gananoque and Area Food Access Network is a coalition of community volunteers, agency representatives, educators, community businesses and elected officials who follow the community’s lead with the vision that residents of the Town of Gananoque and the Township of Leeds and the Thousand Islands are accessing, growing, preparing and enjoying nutritious, safe and affordable food,” said Marie Traynor, registered dietitian with the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit. “Both the Town of Gananoque and the Township of Leeds and the Thousand Islands have representation at the table.”
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Imagine walking through a lush, healthy forest inside of the town of Gananoque. Temperatures are warm and the sun is spilling over you as a soft breeze gently moves the leaves around you. As you look up, you see that this is not an average Canadian woodland of conifers and hardwoods – instead, you are in a grove of fruiting trees and shrubbery, vines bearing tempting grapes that are nearly ripe, raspberry canes bursting with fresh berries. And it is all there to help improve local food security.
“The group I represent is made up of 26 individuals representing our municipalities, health units, libraries, service clubs, churches, food banks, farmers markets, schools and also the interests of private citizens,” said Pam Hudson, program and outreach coordinator for the Gananoque Public Library at the meeting of Gananoque Town Council on April 6. “We are not a non-profit organization. We represent a group of organizations and individuals. We are a network of coll