redundancies are.çó sit down and look at hospi,añ bills through the perspective xd of, are any of these services that i don t understand what r they are? and for the large majority of people we hmlc, they often don t understand what many of the charges are. you want to take a look at that and find out what it is.e1çójf you want to engage the billing representatives and the hospital in that discussion andd have them understand, i need an explanation of these charges. can we get ahold of those people? appointment.xdxdfá and we will say that it s important you request the appointment not only through a telephone call, but if you have i think thee1 numbers are surprising to people, even people wh]ó work in hospitals. i was ae1q bit surprised at the cost ofe1 some of the things we use on a regular basis. jonathan, you ll have to excuse me, you re an economist i m not. one of the arguments seems to t( be, you add more people to the system, you get a lot more t( people insured.xd
well. keep in mind that what is charged and what is ultimately q t numbers. you talk to some of the q, if executives of these hospitals. for every dollar that is billedá they may collect just pennies. they also tell us they do hike )ices so patients with good insurance can pay extra to help compensate for ess or uninsured all together, perhaps.ñr nancy, wet÷)q talk a lot about e bills. you say you can helpi] negotiat the price of these bills down. what do you tell people? they re going to watch that and think, that s ridiculous. what do you say when someone u calls you?lp foremostt qitu+hju$e cá redundancies, if you re seeing redundancies in service, go back and meet with your medical professional, determine, did you indeed have two mri s during thf course of one week.e1xdi] did you have four different blood transfusions, you and your family may only recall one or two, try to understand where the