U.S. stocks traded mostly higher this morning, with the Dow Jones gaining more than 100 points on Monday. Following the market opening Monday, the Dow traded up 0.42% to 33,875.03 while the NASDAQ fell 0.12% to 13,643.68. The S&P 500, also rose, gaining, 0.05% to 4,401.19.
U.S. stocks traded higher toward the end of trading, with the Nasdaq Composite moving slightly higher on Monday. The Dow traded up 0.49% to 33,901.82 while the NASDAQ rose 0.04% to 13,665.91. The S&P 500, also rose, gaining, 0.10% to 4,403.25.
U.S. stocks traded lower this morning, with the Dow Jones dropping over 150 points on Wednesday. Following the market opening Wednesday, the Dow traded down 0.46% to 34,259.45 while the NASDAQ fell 0.11% to 13,801.13. The S&P 500, also fell, dropping, 0.23% to 4,445.15.