Is simple. May the eternal spirit that embraces all good deliver us from fear. May the hearts, minds, and souls of the women and men of this house of representatives elected to serve the people shall released from fear be released from fear into freedom. 8 in greem may they discover and rediscover what is already deep women themselves as humans created in divine image. May deliberation of this day and days to follow be filled with compassion for the millions of people whose lives and livelihoods are affected by these decisions. Courage to compromise when necessary to sustain and provide for the wellbeing of all people. Humility to let go of ideological convictions when those convictions hinder the to on good and clear vision see beyond narrow agendas for a nation filled with promise to be a beacon of light for all people. Men. The speaker pro tempore the chair has examined the journal of the last days proceedings and announces to the house his approval thereof. Pursuant to clause 1 of
journal. we want to hear from you about the recent defeat of the farm bill. decline inndicate a the political influence of middle america? give us a call and tell us who you things gets more attention from the government rural america or urban america? but the phone numbers are on your screen. you can catch up with us on all your favorite social media sites. or send us an e-mail. a very good friday morning to you, hope you had a great fourth of july holiday. we are taking your calls and comments this morning on the issue of who gets more attention from congress urban or rural america? this is how the new york times put it people are lining up to take sides. that is the story. there is already some comments on facebook on this question. another facebook comment tweets, king your facebook post, and calls. the phone lines are open if you want to call in and give us your thoughts on this question. first, we want to turn to amy mayer with iowa public radio. >let s talk