Becoming Architects Canada launches as an advocacy group
Becoming Architects Canada launches as an advocacy group
Becoming Architects Canada / Devenir Architect Canada is a new non-profit advocacy group for interns, others on the path to architectural licensure, and recent licensees, created by former RAIC Emerging Practitioners and CASA members.
While this group was officially launched in April 2021, their journey began more than six years ago when intern architect representatives from Architectural Associations across Canada met at the 2014 RAIC Festival to discuss interns’ concerns with the IAP program.
“What we discovered is we all shared the same concerns and could learn a lot from what each regulator was doing with respect to intern support, but we suffered from a disconnect from each other. A few of us met again at the CACB conference on “Educating Future Architects” in 2014, where we determined that a national advocacy group for intern architects was
Through a collection of 13 chapters, Peggy Deamer examines the profession of architecture not as an abstraction, but as an assemblage of architectural workers.
What forces prevent architects from empowering ourselves to be more relevant and better rewarded? How can these forces be set aside by new narratives, new organizations and new methods of production? How can we sit at the decision-making table to combat short-term real estate interests for longer-term social and ethical value? How can we pull architecture its conceptualization, its pedagogy, and its enactment into the 21st century without succumbing to its neoliberal paradigm? In addressing these controversial questions, Architecture and Labor brings contemporary discourses on creative labor to architecture, a discipline devoid of labor consciousness.