above forty degrees centigrade. a climate change incident that took place about a thousand years ago has left its mark throughout europe the middle east and north africa. since the end of the last great ice age sea levels have been rising containing wrestling. just four thousand five hundred years ago the water level on france s britany peninsula was several meters lower than it is today. or. over time the sea moved about five hundred meters further inland. french archaeologists costs and believe that many stone age relics have been covered up by the sea the sort of in the whole of didn t evil but the rise in the sea level
a climate change incident that took place about a thousand years ago has left its mark throughout europe the middle east and north africa. since the end of the last great ice age sea levels have been rising continuously. just four thousand five hundred years ago the water level on france s brittany peninsula was several meters lower than it is today. or. over time the sea moved about five hundred meters farther inland. french archaeologists costs and believes that many stone age relics have been covered up by the sea listen i m in the hole it didn t evolve on the rise in the sea level certainly depends on fluctuations in climate including the ice age and post ice age