League of Legends patch 12.17 aims to rework Hecarim, put Maokai back in the jungle, nerf Sivir, and gets rid of the Nami Electrocute build, Riot Games say
(P) Sunlight
(2) Eclipse
Armor: 25/35/45/55 + 20 percent bonus armor to 35/50/65/80 + 20 percent bonus armor
Magic Resist: 25/35/45/55 + 20 percent bonus MR to 35/50/65/80 + 20 percent bonus MR
Image via Riot Games
Riot has a short poke range because of which he struggles on falling behind in the lane phase. Hence, his range on his main poke and heal utility are being buffed.
(1) Gleaming Quill 7/8/9/10
Image via Riot Games
Sona has been dominating with her consistent pressure and utility. Riot has said that it doesn’t want to impact Sona’s ability to deal and prevent damage. The developer is, however, toning down her engage and disengage tools.