Electronic cigarette (EC) use, or vaping, has both gained incredible popularity and generated tremendous controversy, but although they may be less harmful than tobacco cigarettes (TCs), they have major potential risks that may be underestimated by health authorities, the public, and medical professionals.
IMAGE: Nicotine delivery systems, including nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs), smokeless tobacco, electronic cigarettes (ECs) and combusted tobacco, can be ranked within a pyramid of cardiovascular harm, stratified by potency of nicotine. view more
Credit: Holly Middlekauff, MD
Philadelphia, April 12, 2021 - Electronic cigarette (EC) use, or vaping, has both gained incredible popularity and generated tremendous controversy, but although they may be less harmful than tobacco cigarettes (TCs), they have major potential risks that may be underestimated by health authorities, the public, and medical professionals. Two cardiovascular specialists review the latest scientific studies on the cardiovascular effects of cigarette smoking versus ECs in the