A huge task in deciding you know what is fake what is not i mean its politics you know sometimes its hard to figure out exactly what where that line is i mean is it a financial issue or do you think theres also a recognition that these Companies Just arent set up for it in its very nature. Refused from the very very beginning to be a judge of facts of what treat the policy was from the very beginning you can post whatever you want we know going to interfere with anything you do and they cannot then accept political knowing that some of the material that is being posted there is fake untrue or misinformation so what weve been saying in the long term it is in our interest to remain true to our principles in show people that we are still going to be judges of of of of information even if it means that the pockets in the short term so just a final point a bit of a more general question what do you think we go from here i mean how do you. Think we should or could regulate Something Like fac