EconoTimes is a fast growing non-partisan source of news and intelligence on global economy and financial markets, providing timely, relevant, and critical insights for market professionals and those who want to make informed investment decisions.
EconoTimes is a fast growing non-partisan source of news and intelligence on global economy and financial markets, providing timely, relevant, and critical insights for market professionals and those who want to make informed investment decisions.
Israel’s War of Independence isn’t very well-understood in the West. The prevailing narrative is probably best articulated by the late US comedian Alan King, who said, “A summary of every Jewish holiday: They tried to kill us, we won, let’s eat!” But a closer look at the war sheds light on a number of controversies
I have evidence that the Iranians have been empowered by the NWO for the express purpose of being used to destroy Israel. In Iran, the destruction of Israel is official State policy. Just like Hitler was secretly supported by heads of institutions I would not mention for now, Iran is being helped clandestinely.