Battleground. And, the joy of selling out. I need the money thats our web video of the week. With troops occupying the region president Vladimir Putin saw him greeted as a hero. The date, the anniversary of the end of world war ii was significant because back home, on Russian Television screens, putins policy in ukraine is depicted as a valiant stand on behalf of russian speakers there against the same kind of fascism russia fought in the second world war. In fact, 300 of the kremlins favorite journalists have medals to show for their work on the ukraine story. Kind of coverage has been dismissed as propaganda in the west. But you dont have to go all the way to moscow to find biased journalism that reflects and even parrots what domestic political leaders are saying about this crisis. On the ground, ukraine has been a tough story to report from the start, with journalists being attacked and kidnapped. Nuance, subtlety have been among the subtleties. Our if you feel place this week. Ser