Indian converters and suppliers such as Vinsak expand regionally
Packaging and labels fare well in the pandemic
L to R, Ranesh Bajaj of Vinsak with the managing directory of Al Hadiqa Sayed Shamsuddin
As the Indian label industry has expanded overseas beyond just exporting labels, several players from prepress houses to label printers and labelstock suppliers have set up plants in the Near East, Africa, and the Middle East. Premedia houses and printers who have set up plants overseas include Unique Premedia Services, Ajanta Print Arts, Astron Packaging, and the Manipal Group.
SMI Coated Products, the leading supplier of Indian-manufactured pressure sensitive label stock, set up a warehousing and slitting center in Dubai several years ago to more easily supply its Middle Eastern and African customers. Vinsak, the company and brand that has emerged from the Delhi-based Creed Engineers has emerged as a significant regional supplier in a vast region from Africa to Southeast Asia –