Use these five tips to tell the world about your achievements at the 2022 Farnam AQHA World, Adequan® Select World, Adequan® Level 2 Championships and Nutrena Level 1 Champion of Champions.
2021 Farnam AQHA World and Adequan Select World Qualifying
2021 Farnam AQHA World and Adequan® Select World Qualifying AQHA waives qualifying requirements, with an exception for the open-division roping, for the 2021 Farnam AQHA World and Adequan® Select World, due to the impact of the pandemic on qualifying events; traditional qualifying will resume for the 2022 AQHA championship shows. The tentative schedule and entry information will be published at once finalized. text size March 12, 2021 | News and Publications , Showing , Showing , Timed Events | Shows , World shows ,